01 September, 2006

Ante-natal sonic phrenology

Well not yet; but do not be surprised if it is suggested shortly. Die Fuhrer Blair's latest big idea is that he is going to mould society by identifying recidivists while they are still in the womb. The scheme seems to be that social workers and other interested, but equally poorly educated busy bodies, will identify which parents do not conform to some, as yet unspecified, type of behavioural norms. If the parents fail to get enough ticks in the right boxes, their children will be taken into care. No doubt once in care, they will be introduced to life of crime and prostitution. And so the vicious circle continues.

If that bit of choice behavioural nonsense is eventually tried and, inevitably, does not work, what next? Sterilisation and re-education camps.

You can say what you like about Hitler, but he did this sort of thing much more efficiently and with a great deal less hypocrisy and cant.

Update (3.9.06).
It's not just me thought of Hitler. So did Tony Benn.

This one about identifying troublesome children in the foetus - this is eugenics, the sort of thing Hitler talked about," he told BBC Five Live.
I don't know whether to be self-satisfied or worried about it.

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