07 September, 2006

Stating the bleedin' obvious

The Family Breakdown Working Group of the Conservative Party's Social Justice Policy Review has published a report which offers a breathtaking conclusion: children are best brought up in a family environment with their natural parents (Daily Telegraph). In a further penetrating insight, the report finds that married couples are likely to stay together for longer than unmarried couples.

Why do these pompous idiots feel the need to write reports telling us what every conservative instinctively already knows. In Cameron's natural habitat, Islington dinner party guests may well enthusiastically debate the nature of the optimum family unit but elsewhere the majority will already know what is best for children. Is it any wonder that, with drivel like this being issued on a regular basis, the Conservative party is failing to make much of an electoral impact, even on an incompetent and corrupt government which is falling apart at the seams.

Click here to download a pdf file of the splendidly named full report: "The conflation of marriage and cohabitation in government statistics – a denial of difference rendered untenable by an analysis of outcomes".

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