05 December, 2006

Royal Marine fatality in Afghanistan

The Ministry of Defence has announced the death of a Royal Marine in combat with Taliban forces at Garmser, Helmand, southern Afghanistan. The Royal Marine, was the 42nd British fatality of the campaign. According to the MoD,

Afghan and UK Task Force forces launched an operation on the outskirts of the village of Garmsir to dislodge Taliban forces who had been responsible for attacks on the town in recent days.

During the operation two Royal Marines were injured, one of whom sadly later died of his wounds. Both were airlifted to the UK hospital in Camp Bastion. The second Royal Marine has undergone surgery and is in a stable condition.
The Guardian has an early report. Reuters has a fuller account of the action.

Once again we can only say that he is at rest now and pray that his wounded colleague makes a full recovery.

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