03 October, 2006

Success for Bush doctrine in Afghanistan

A refreshing change from the msm professional nay-sayers and defeatists. In the Persian Journal Slater Bakhtavar analyses the success of the Bush Doctrine in removing the criminally murderous Taliban from power and bringing democracy to Afghanistan. There is a long way to go before the situation is finally resolved but, Baktavar concludes:

Many Americans have been false-heartedly led by the mainstream media to believe that the doctrine has become an unmitigated disaster. This form of distorting reality frames a deceptive image of the conditions in Afghanistan. Propaganda wars aside, the truth emanating from Afghanistan is that the Asian country is progressing in remarkable fashion and the tremendous majority of Afghanis are supportive of both the Karzai government and are grateful to The Bush Administration.The Afghanis understand that it takes time to progress toward an independent, proud modern democratic nation, but they also understand that Afghanistan will eventually emerge as one of the seats of progress in the Middle East.

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